Saturday, March 16, 2013

Chun Li big tits

"Chun Li's big tits"
like I saind, i'm training speed painting and i'm not good at it, hehe. but I guess it's ok XD

- edit -
I just received a message from Hentai-Foundry:
Your picture #194168 ("Chun Li's big tits") was rejected by SH-131564.e122f

The given reason(s) are: Sorry, but this picture has anatomy errors and does not meet our quality standards for submission. For further and more detailed help and advice, please use our Constructive Critique forum.

Her hand is tiny.

wtf? are they really like this? wow

tags: chun li street fighter hentai big tits cleavage boobs breasts game capcom hentai showing big melons large than head fan art fanart


  1. She look nice and really sexy, I love her face expression than that view... Hum... °w°

    1. hehe thanx dude!
      btw, hentai foundry rejected this pic ;O

    2. That so bad it was rejected, because anatomicaly errors ?
